Reinaldo Ribeiro Júnior

CAB member

Reinaldo Ribeiro Júnior is a Professor of Biological Sciences and a member and representative of the GCAB at the National Institute of Infectology – INI – FIOCRUZ – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil.

Reinaldo’s work with the ACTG began through volunteer work concerning adolescents and young adults living with HIV in Rio de Janeiro. Driven by curiosity and pursuing studies in Biological Sciences, he was invited and became a member of the Community Advisory Board (CAB). This role facilitated the establishment of an information dissemination and support mechanism. Notably, Fiocruz, an institution operating under the purview of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, served as the nexus between Fiocruz’s CAB and Rede Jovem. This collaboration significantly contributed to the education of more than 800 adolescents and young individuals on matters of clinical research and the inherent significance of active research participation. The collaborative efforts of the team yielded substantial success within ACTG.

Presently, Reinaldo plays a pivotal role as one of the coordinators of the CAB at Fiocruz. He loves reviewing and translating emerging research articles, particularly those relevant to the youth demographic. This translation work serves as a catalyst for stimulating informed discussions and debates. Through these activities, he has derived a profound sense of accomplishment and gratification, underscoring the profound impact of this interconnectedness.

In 2016 he saw the fulfillment of a personal dream: to write a book for young people who had just discovered that they were living with HIV, written in the teens’ own vernacular, titled “Manual de Survival of an HIV-Positive Youth in Rio de Janeiro.”
He currently teaches biological sciences, chemistry, and physics at an elementary school, and volunteers at the RioStopAIDS Project at Grupo Pela Vidda RJ, which staffs events offering free rapid HIV testing by oral fluid and guidance on prevention.

He states, “Everything I learn, I have the pride and pleasure of sharing with young people.”