New Jersey Medical School Clinical Research Center CRS

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University Hospital Infectious Disease Practice

Ambulatory Care Center

140 Bergen Street, D-Level

Newark, NJ. 07103

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CRS Coordinator

Christie Lyn Costanza


CRS Leader

Shobha Swaminathan


Site Trials

HIV comorbidities and complications

Closed to accrual

A5322: Long-Term Follow-up of Older HIV-infected Adults in the ACTG: Addressing Issues of Aging, HIV Infection and Inflammation (HAILO)

You are being asked to take part in this research study because you are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and were previously followed in the ALLRT (A5001) study and are 40 years of age or older. This study, A5322 (also known as the HAILO study), is a long-term follow-up study of persons who have HIV and received their first treatment for HIV known as antiretroviral medications, in certain clinical trials that were done by the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG).


HIV comorbidities and complications

Closed to accrual

A5332: REPRIEVE Trial

In this study, people between the ages of 40 and 75 with HIV will be randomized (like flipping a coin) to take the pill pitavastatin OR a placebo (non-active pill) to see if pitavastatin can help prevent heart disease and death in people who are taking HIV medication. You will not know if you are taking pitavastatin or placebo. The REPRIEVE trial will enroll about 7500 people from several countries.

HIV comorbidities and complications

Closed to accrual

A5391: Doravirine for Obese Persons on Integrase Inhibitors and Tenofovir Alafenamide

Weight gain after starting HIV therapy is common, but recent studies have found that some people with HIV (PWH) who are taking an integrase inhibitor (INSTI) combined with a tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) regimen may gain more weight than people taking other drug combinations.  A rising number of PWH are overweight or obese, and a higher body mass index (BMI) increases the risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke.


This study will include PWH who have been virally suppressed on a regimen consisting of an integrase inhibitor (INSTI) and TAF/FTC or TAF/3TC, and have a BMI of 30 kg/m2 (the cut-off for obesity) or greater. This research study is trying to find out if they could gain less weight, or maybe lose weight, after switching to a regimen containing doravirine (DOR) with TAF/FTC (or TAF/3TC), or DOR with the related medication tenofovir disproxil (TDF/FTC [or TDF/3TC]) as compared to continuation of their current INSTI plus TAF regimen.