DEADLINE: August 18, 2021
This memorandum is a solicitation for nominations to the leadership positions on most of the ACTG science committees including the Comorbidities, Cure, Hepatitis and TB Transformative Science Groups (TSGs) and for the Neurology and Women’s Health Collaborative Science Groups (CSGs). We anticipate that the global solicitation for other committee members will follow in late August. See below that the nomination process is automated and that nominations must be submitted through the ACTG website.
The detailed listing of leadership vacancies is available on the ACTG Committee Nomination web site at and is also attached. The listing also specifies who is eligible for the positions, term duration, number of conference calls per month and meetings per year, and a brief description of duties and responsibilities of the positions.
Specifically, we are soliciting nominations for the available positions below.
- Chair and Vice Chair of the Comorbidities TSG
- Chair and Vice Chair of the Reservoirs Remission and Cure TSG
- Chair and Vice Chair of the Hepatitis TSG
- Chair and Vice Chair of the Tuberculosis TSG
- Chair and Vice Chair of the Neurology Collaborative Science Group
- Chair and Vice Chair of the Women’s Health Collaborative Science Group
Eligible candidates include US and non-US ACTG investigators, as well, as experts in the field who are not ACTG members or affiliated with ACTG sites. We strongly encourage international investigators to apply and urge you to consider experts at your institution who may not currently be affiliated with the ACTG.
Please note that elected chairs and vice chairs will be invited to attend the ACTG Leadership Retreat in Los Angeles, CA November 8-10, 2021. The meeting is currently planned to be in-person but there will be virtual access for those unable to travel to Los Angeles.
Chairs and vice chairs of ACTG committees receive salary support and travel funds to attend ACTG meetings.
Nominations and required accompanying materials must be submitted online at by August 18, 2021.
Any ACTG member may submit a nomination. Self-nominations (from both ACTG and non-ACTG members) will be accepted with the appropriate documentation.
Nominees must submit all required documents and acknowledge their willingness to serve. The list of required documents, also available on the website, is as follows:
- Nomination letter outlining the candidate’s qualifications, relevant expertise, experience, and accomplishments pertinent to the position
- One-page vision/strategic plan for the relevant research area
- NIH biosketch (template available at
The ACTG Executive Committee (AEC) will review the nominations and select the leaders. Following the selection, the AEC leadership will notify nominees of the election outcome. Once that notification process is completed, the AEC will broadly announce the selections and post the results to the ACTG web site.
Interested investigators who would like to discuss the positions or have questions should contact us.
Direct questions regarding the nomination process to the ACTG Network Coordinating Center at
We look forward to receiving your nominations.