This is a solicitation for nominations to the ACTG’s leadership, science, laboratory, and resource committees. See below that the nomination process is automated and that nominations must be submitted through the ACTG website.
For the science committees, the ACTG is seeking qualified clinical and laboratory investigators with expertise relevant to the area of research who are willing to commit the time necessary to serve on the Transformative Science Groups (TSGs) and other committees, including the Scientific Agenda Steering Committee (SASC). Interested investigators with appropriate expertise need not be affiliated with a funded ACTG Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) or Clinical Research Site (CRS) and/or have previous involvement with ACTG studies, except for the SASC positions.
- International investigators and junior investigators are strongly encouraged to submit their names in nomination to science committees appropriate to their interests.
- International site personnel are strongly encouraged to submit their names in nomination to committees appropriate to their interests and experience.
For the leadership, laboratory, and resource committees, the nomination and election process is open to both domestic and international investigators and staff at funded ACTG-affiliated CTUs and CRSs. Unlike for the science committees, investigators and staff at sites not affiliated to the ACTG are not eligible for nomination to those committees, given the nature of the work for the committees.
Current members of committees for whom a second term is permitted and who are interested in serving a second term must submit a nomination packet.
The detailed listing of position vacancies for the different committees is available on the ACTG Committee Nomination web site at and is also attached to this memorandum for your convenience. The listing also specifies who is eligible for the positions, term duration, number of conference calls per month and meetings per year, and a brief description of duties and responsibilities of the positions.
To see the full list of vacancies you may also click here.
Nominations and required accompanying materials must be submitted online at by Monday, September 20.
The individual position descriptions for the vacancies specify who may submit a nomination and when self-nominations are acceptable with the appropriate documentation.
Nominees must submit all required documents and acknowledge their willingness to serve. The list of required documents, also available on the website, is as follows:
- Nomination letter outlining the candidate’s qualifications, relevant expertise, experience, and accomplishments pertinent to the position
- Letter of support from the nominee’s CRS Leader or CTU PI for non-investigator positions; the letter of support from the CTU PI or CRS Leader is not necessary for investigator positions or if the nomination letter is from the nominee’s CRS Leader or CTU PI
- NIH biosketch (template available at and on the ACTG member web site) or a resume or curriculum vitae for resource committee members.
The ACTG’s Voting Members will review nominations to the ACTG Executive Committee (AEC) and Performance Evaluation Committee. The AEC will vote on membership of the Scientific Agenda Steering Committee. Nominations for all other committees will be distributed to the relevant committee for review and selection. The AEC will review and determine whether to endorse the selections made by the respective committees. Following the AEC review, the nominees will be notified of the election outcome. Once the committees have advised nominees of the outcome, the AEC will broadly announce the selections and post the results to the ACTG web site.
Questions regarding the nomination process should be directed to the ACTG Network Coordinating Center at
We look forward to receiving your nominations.