ACTG Annual Network Meeting

Jul 30, 2019

The ACTG annual meeting took place June 17-21 in Arlington, VA and drew more than 850 attendees. Highlights included robust discussions about the ACTG research agenda among international investigators, a workshop introducing new investigators to the ACTG, and plenary sessions providing a sneak preview of new ACTG data that will be presented at the 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science, taking place in Mexico City in July. We are also excited to announce the winners of the three ACTG excellence awards this year:

  • Constance B. Wofsy Women’s Health Award: Kimberly Scarsi, PharmD, Northwestern University CRS, University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • John Carey Young Investigator Award: Trevor Crowell, MD, Kenya Medical Research Institute/Walter Reed Project Clinical Research Center (KEMRI/WRP) CRS
  • Donna Davis Community Award: Catherine Godfrey, MD, PEPFAR/Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator Department of State

Thank you to all who were able to attend for making it such a productive meeting and congratulations to our honorees!

Awardees shown from left: Kimberly Scarsi, Trevor Crowell, and Catherine Godfrey