- Access more information about submitting an application for the Small Clinical Trials Advancing HIV Remission and Cure RFA
- Submit a Concept Proposal, Data Analysis Concept Sheet, New Work Concept Sheet, and/or Data Request (NWCS, DACS, and DR proposals for REPRIEVE and sub-studies (A5332, A5333s, and A5361s) will not be reviewed at this time. It is recommended that these proposals be held for submission until the REPRIEVE team is ready to consider proposals.)
- Submit a CEPAC-ACTG Study Collaboration Proposal Form
- If you are a clinical research site interested in joining the ACTG network, please be aware that we are not seeking clinical research sites at this time. The current sites were chosen through a competitive selection process by our sponsor in 2020-2027 (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AI-19-045.html).
- If you belong to a research network and would like to collaborate with the ACTG for a joint research endeavor, please reach out to us.