University of Cape Town Lung Institute (UCTLI) CRS

Site Details


George Street, Observatory

Cape Town, Western Cape. Province 7705

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CRS Coordinator

Catrien Drinkwater


CRS Leader

Rodney Dawson


Site Trials


Closed to accrual

A5406: Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Double-dose Dolutegravir When Used with Rifapentine for HIV-associated Tuberculosis

A5406 is a study for people with pulmonary drug-sensitive (DS) tuberculosis (TB) without evidence of resistance to the TB drugs isoniazid (INH) or rifampin (RIF) and with HIV. All participants will receive anti-TB treatment (2HPZM: 8 weeks of rifapentine [RPT]-moxifloxacin [MOX] plus INH and pyrazinamide, then 2HPM: 9 weeks of RPT-MOX plus INH). Dolutegravir (DTG)-based anti-HIV therapy (ART) will be taken from week 6 until the end of the study (week 48), with a double-dose of DTG for the first 12 weeks.



Open and enrolling

A5409: A Phase 2 Randomized, Adaptive, Dose-Ranging, Open-Label Trial of Novel Regimens for the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (RAD-TB)

The standard of care (SOC) treatment of tuberculosis (TB) was developed over 40 years ago, and the treatment is long (6 months) and hard. In many settings, the medicine does not work well because people stop taking it or miss doses, which leads to TB returning. For some people, the SOC treatment can cause negative side effects.


This study will evaluate new medication regimens for the treatment of TB. This study is adaptive, which means, as new medication regimens are identified for the treatment of TB, some of them will be selected for testing in this study. Therefore, there may be different drug regimens being used as part of the study at different times.

HIV Cure

Treatment Experienced

Open and enrolling

A5321: Decay of HIV-1 Reservoirs in Participants on Long-Term Antiretroviral Therapy: The ACTG HIV Reservoirs Cohort (AHRC) Study

AHRC (pronounced “ARC”) is a study of differences and changes over time in HIV reservoirs (groups of HIV-infected cells that “hide” from anti-HIV medications). This study enrolls people into one of six groups, based on their different HIV treatment histories. The current version of this study is only enrolling for Group 6, which will include people who acquired or are suspected to have acquired HIV while taking long-acting cabotegravir (LA CAB) for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

HIV comorbidities and complications

Closed to accrual

A5332: REPRIEVE Trial

In this study, people between the ages of 40 and 75 with HIV will be randomized (like flipping a coin) to take the pill pitavastatin OR a placebo (non-active pill) to see if pitavastatin can help prevent heart disease and death in people who are taking HIV medication. You will not know if you are taking pitavastatin or placebo. The REPRIEVE trial will enroll about 7500 people from several countries.


Open and enrolling

A5300B/I2003B: Protecting Households On Exposure to Newly Diagnosed Index Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients (PHOENIx MDR-TB)

This trial is in household contacts (HHC) at high risk for developing multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) which is an infection that does not get better with standard treatment for TB.  HHC means any person that  lives with, has lived with, or shared housekeeping duties in a home or the same place with a person (an Index Case) who has pulmonary MDR-TB (a lung infection or pneumonia with TB) and started treatment for MDR-TB within the past 90 days. It is also for people who have spent more than 4 hours indoors with the index case, during the week before they started MDR-TB treatment.

High-risk household contacts are those with HIV or an immune system problem not from HIV like cancer , latent TB infection (a history of TB infection in the past based on testing), and young children below the age of 5 years.